Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Our Pool

The neighborhoods here don't have pools like in SC.  We have to settle for a little baby pool in the backyard. I have been accused of being "redneck" for letting him play in it. I say if it makes him happy, oh well!  

Orange Beach

Collin and I tagged along on Philip's work trip last week. We had a great time in the beach and in the pool. It wore him out, and he slept great. 

The first day I realized that he didn't have a pool float. A stranger came to the rescue telling me that her son was too big for the float she bought. She promptly brought it down to the pool for Collin.  We ended up playing with them several times during the week and adopting some of their other toys. :)

Collin loved playing in the gully and in the pool. He wasn't too sure about the ocean because it was cold. I wasn't too sure about the way it just dropped off. Collin had a great first beach trip. 

On the way and going through New Orleans
View from our room
Collin's first day playing on the beach
We walked back out later 
Collin all ready to go eat with UA friends. 
There was lots of this. 
See?  He fell asleep while I was brushing my teeth. 
Ready to go swim. We have a few more pictures on the other phone and real camera. I will try to remember to post them too. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Keeping Up!

I feel like things happen so fast these days it is hard to keep up! My new goal is to post at least once a week! I am a good bit behind, but I think I can catch up. I will cram everything into one post with lots of pictures. (Even if it is all from my phone.)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Baton Rouge Zoo

We got a family membership to the Baton Rouge Zoo. We took Collin on Wednesday, Philip's first day off in a few weeks!
Collin didn't pay much attention to most of the animals because they were so far away. He liked being outside and looking at the other people there.


Since we moved, I have taken Collin outside to play a lot! The weather here has been so nice (when it hasn't been rainy). If it is this warm in March, I am already dreading the summer heat.

5 months

Here are Collin's 5 month pictures from February 21, 2013.  Hwe has already grown so much since the move!  I can't  believe that he will be 6 months old so soon.  :(

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy first Valentine's Day, sweet Collin! Mommy and Daddy love you!